Hi all,
Here are the brief meeting minutes of the brief March meeting.
The status of the UHF repeater was discussed. Nothing has been heard from Smokey regarding its status lately. Talk of possible locations for a future OUARC repeater (hopefully the UHF one) were discussed. These locations include tower space on one of the dorm towers and one of the engineering buildings.
Robin handled the UOSA budget interview, hopefully our budget for next year will be approved.
The current state of the balloon project was discussed. Aaron noted the recent slashdot article on another fellow who succeeded at a similar project and gained national news attention. Useful ideas could be borrowed from his project. Aaron was given the go ahead to start acquiring parts.
The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for April 24th, at either the NWC Obs deck or the Cross Center Shack. The plan is to have an antenna or balloon building party.
73, Zac, KE5KJA