Meeting began at 7:06pm
Megan discusses food and speakers and reminds to PAY DUES!!
Treasurer’s Report:
Current balance: $978.05
Potential interests for future meeting speakers:
- Morse code
- Antenna theory
- SKYWARN Tuesday Feb 12 NWC 1313 (Conflicts with OU Scams)
- Movie Night
- Propagation
- Solar flares
T Shirts
- Connor’s Design
- Colors
- Pricing
HAM Holiday
- July 26-27
- 1st Sat every month
- Salvation Army
- Volunteers
- Secretary : Exec Rep
SCARS Information
- Field day
- Alone or as a club
- With SCARS
- Or not at all?
- Night Shifts
- Saturday – Sunday
- June 22-23
- Would only operate 24 hours
Weekly Net
- People get on the air
- Announcements
- Practice for those with little use/access to radio
- Mondays 7:30pm
Victoria Ford
O*ARC Secretary