Meeting started at 7:01 pm
12 attendees including our speaker, Ken Brown N5KUK
General Business:
Tuscani Pizza for dinner!
Addressing the email situation: sign in with/email Victoria
Outreach opportunities:
- Cycling event March 9th and 10th
- OKC Memorial Marathon
Need License? contact Carrey
- Design: taking pre-orders
- Using some for fundraisers
- $10-15
- Will be in before spring break
Ham Holiday Update – Carrey
- CORA holds every year
- Past month
- Bricktown Hotel on Reno, OKC
- Carrey toured the convention area
- Green Fest possibilities
ARRL DX Contest
- Carrey spoke briefly about details
- Contact for more info
Weekly Net
- Every two weeks vs. more than once a month?
- Decided on Mondays at 7:30pm where those wanting to participate can come in on Mondays that best fit their schedule
W5TC Website:
Meeting Reminders will be sent out via email
- Our next meeting will be March 26th
- April Meeting: Cookout at Elmore’s
- Will be moved to May 4th (after confirmation from Elmore) right before OU Finals week
Next Testing session
- March 7th @ 7 pm
- Potential Upgrade testing session after Spring Break (after next meeting)
Ken Brown introduces D-STAR
Repeater at the NWC
- Shout out to Jim McClellan and his contribution
Digital Smart Technology for Amateur Radio
- Developed by the Japan Am. Radio League & Emergency Managers with emergency communications in mind
- ICOM is currently only manufacturer
- Built in GPS, voice synthesizer, built in call sign ‘caller ID’
- Digital modulation GMSK-minimal shift keying
- Half amount of space that a FM system does
- 480 bits/sec
- GPS data is encoded
Sends out a header with DSTAR message
- Transmits before voice
- Your callsign
- Other station’s callsign
- Callsign of first & second repeater you’ll go through
Gateway computer, where magic begins
- DV Dongle plugs into USB port on computer reports onto a Gateway and will connect to other reflectors
- Future because of narrow bandwidth capabilities
- Alabama has the highest US amount of use for emergency use
Able to link a lot of people quickly in a large net over a wide area via repeaters
- Everybody hears everything
- Able to set up your own intranet 120 kbits/sec of bandwidth
Oklahoma Norman W5TC Gateway
- Linked practiced in meeting
- How to unlink
- How to echo what was said
You are able to check out radios through the club!
Victoria Ford
O*ARC Secretary