Starts at 7:03 pm
Reminder to pay dues.
11 members present (one from SCARS!)
Carey gave an update on the weekly net
- 5 check ins on first try
- Receiver issues/sensitivity issues
- Will fix
Ham Holiday
- Carey
- Email list for ham holiday flyer
Social is next meeting
- May 4th, Saturday before finals
- Dr. Elmore’s house
- Hamburgers, chips, hotdogs
- Must elect officers for school year
- President, VP, Secretary, Treasurer
- President: Megan K5MEM; Carey N5RM
- VP: Connor WX5CJK; Rachel KD0QYA
- Secretary: Victoria KF5TTZ; Sterling KF5PMG
- Treasurer: Peter N5UWY
- Elections will be held at social
HamCom, June 7-8 Plano, TX
- Informational board
- Smaller version of facebook page, webpage
- How to get ourselves out there
- Must be done before June
- Victoria, Rachel Reeves volunteered to tackle trifold in the three weeks between finals week and HamCom
- Money for supplies
Howdy week/ Sooner orientation table
- Table at Walker Adams Mall
- Use HamCom info board
- T-shirts!
- Banner in cross
- Similar to E-club week; get table at their week
- Presence in METR 1111
- Can contact Dr. Fagan in Geography
Treasurer’s Report
- Two bank account:
- OUFCU beginning balance $533.45 (off by $0.01 last month).
- TFCU had no transactions, so balance remains $978.05.
New Radios/Equipment for Club:
- DSTAR to lend out to members
- HF Radios present
- Megan will attending Dayton, Ohio where we already have an account on file with a certain vendor as a student club with a discount
- 51A’s
- 91/92 also have VHF capability (cheaper)
- desktop charger for a 31 in the forecast office to communicate with those in NW
- Ham mic.
Station with UHF/VHF capability
- Interfere with weather operations
- How to not interfere, contact Rick Smith
- Base station antennas
- To be done over the summer
- With a nicer design
Victoria Ford