It’s been a while, hasn’t it? This site is under reconstruction and in the process of being updated with information for the upcoming semester, and the latest on how you can get involved locally in amateur radio. Until then, a few brief bullet points for any amateur Sooners who wander onto the site…

  • For a limited time, there are free 2 meter (70 cm) Baofeng handheld radios being gifted to the first five licensed amateurs (technician class or above) who join the club. Please reach out to the club president if you’re interested!

  • The Central Oklahoma Amateur Radio Operators are hosting their annual summer hamfest at Oklahoma City Community College this weekend July 28-30! Testing will be available on Saturday for those hoping to receive their amateur radio license or upgrade. Please visit the Ham Holiday and local Laurel Volunteer Examiners site to register, or for more information!

  • If you are a licensed amateur operator the South Canadian Amateur Radio Society (SCARS) holds various nets throughout the week and we would love for you to participate! On Monday, the 6 meter net meets on 50.200 at 8:00 pm CT. On Tuesday, the 2 meter ARES net meets on 147.060 at 8:00 pm CT, followed by the local gossip net. On Wednesday, the 10 meter N5HZX Memorial Net meets on 28.445 at 8:00 pm CT.

Check back later this week for updated information about the club in the coming semester, and look out for a new page with information on how to become licensed- for those who are not. 73s until then!