Alpha Sigma Delta Radio Society – W5TC

Amateur Radio at the University of Oklahoma


Leaders | Bylaws| Membership | Contact | History


President Jonathan Arnett AC4CH College of Atmospheric and Geographic Sciences, School of Meteorology
Vice-President Jorge Duarte Garcia W3JDG/HK3JDG School of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Treasurer TBD
Secretary TBD
Faculty Advisor Kim Elmore N5OP Staff, Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies / Adjunct Faculty, College of Atmospheric and Geographic Sciences, School of Meteorology
W5TC Trustee Judson Ahern W5JA Emeritus, College of Earth and Energy, School of Geology & Geophysics
Repeater Trustee Mike Salem N5MS Attorney


The club has existed in various incarnations for over a hundred years! It was initially known as the Alpha Chapter of the Alpha Sigma Delta Radio Fraternity, later the OU Amateur Radio Club and, informally, as the “688 autopatch club”.  Most of that time, it has operated under the W5TC callsign.

The club reorganized over the summer of 1995, 2019, and again in 2023, and looks forward to growth and glory in the years to come. In 2019, the club changed it’s name to the Alpha Sigma Delta Radio Society to honor its early history.

The ARRL has a historical overview of the amateur radio service with a glossary and q-code guide.

“OUARC and Astronomy Club members received the beacon signal from…a 1/3 scale model of the first man-made satellite. We could hear the oscillating tone using HT’s and rubber ducky antennas as the satellite passed overhead.”

On Tuesday, December 7, 1997 at 18:30 members from OUARC received the signal from Sputnik 40 (RS17a). Sputnik 40 was a replica launched by cosmonauts from the MIR space station on November 3, 1997, to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the launch of Sputnik-2. It’s batteries expired on December 29 and it subsequently decayed from orbit May 21, 1998. 



If you are interested in the club, please contact us through one of the following media:

Mail: Alpha Sigma Delta Radio Society
c/o Kim Elmore
Rm 4709
120 David L Boren Blvd
Norman, OK 73072
Radio: W5TC


© Alpha Sigma Delta Radio Society – W5TC