Hi folks –
Just a reminder of our meeting this Thursday, Feb. 5th, at 7:00 p.m. in Room 5600 of the National Weather Center. The agenda is attached.
We have a program this month! Tim Dufy (K3LR, http://www.k3lr.com/) will be showing a 15-minute video about his DX “superstation” in Pennsylvania. It’s a really neat program, so I hope you can make it! Tim will be on hand to answer questions about DXing and antenna design.
If someone on the SCARS list could forward this announcement to that group, I’d greatly appreciate it. I’d love to have a big turnout for Tim!
Note: You will need a photo ID to access the NWC. One of us will monitor the OUARC repeater (146.88-) if you need help getting into the building.
Robin Tanamachi, KC0BSC
Graduate Research Assistant
OU School of Meteorology
National Weather Center
120 David L. Boren Blvd., Suite 5355
Norman, OK 73072-7307
“The reward of the young scientist is the emotional thrill of being the first person in the history of the world to see something or to understand something… The reward of the old scientist is the sense of having seen a vague sketch grow into a masterly landscape.” — Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin