Just a reminder about our upcoming meeting this coming Tuesday!
——– Original Message ——–
Hi all,
Based on the feedback I have received so far we should have our February meeting on Tuesday the 28th at 5:30PM. We will meet and have a dinner meeting at Pepe Delgados on campus corner!
I look forward to seeing you all there!
——– Original Message ——– Reply-To: Zac Flamig
Hi All,
We should try to have a meeting this month! How about a Tuesday dinner meeting in one of the coming weeks? I’d suggest next week, but it looks like that is valentines day so it is probably out.
How about the 21st or 28th? Lets say 5:30pm at one of the campus corner restaurants, probably Pepe’s but I am open to suggestions.
Let me know if this works for you or if you have a suggestion for something better. Zac