Meeting convened at 7:00 p.m. at National Weather Center, Room 1350.
Megan welcomed everyone to a new year with W5TC!
Ways to keep in touch:
- Repeaters: 146.88(-), 147.06+ (100 Hz), 444.75+ (D-STAR)
- Facebook:
- Twitter: @w5tc
- This website:
Officer election results:
- President: Megan M., M5MEM
- Vice-President: Connor K., WX5CJK
- Secretary: Victoria F., no call
- Treasurer: Peter L., N5UWY
Upcoming events:
- School Club Roundup, 15-19 October 2012. Volunteers needed. W5TC will work this event in shifts:
Date, Morning shift, Afternoon shift
Oct. 15, 8-9 a.m, 2-5 p.m.
Oct. 16, 7-9 a.m, 2-5 p.m.
Oct. 17, 7-9 a.m, 2-5 p.m.
Oct. 18, 7-9 a.m, 2-5 p.m.
Oct. 19, 7-9 a.m, 2-5 p.m. - National Weather Festival, National Weather Center, 3 November 2012, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. W5TC, WX5NWC, and WX5NOR will demo a special event station on the obs deck for this public outreach event. A few volunteers will be needed.
Treasurer’s report:
OUFCU balances: Checking $514.49, savings $10.11.
2012-2013 dues for W5TC are $15.00, payable by cash or check made out to W5TC. Payment of dues gives access to club’s equipment and (with training) the NWC shack, and also funds future equipment purchases with club approval.
Gary S., WB5ULK, trustee of the WX5NWC club, introduced attendees to NWC 6006, where WX5NWC and W5TC’s rigs are housed. Club members must be licensed and trained before they are allowed access to this room.
Once all the club officers are trained, training of club members will proceed on a by-request basis.
Need a license? Here is a link to information about local VE testing. A few copies of the study guides for the technician, general, and extra class exams are available in the NWC library and in the W5TC cabinet on the obs. deck. Contact a club officer regarding the latter.
Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
W5TC’s next meeting: 23 October 2012, location TBA. (Watch this site for updates!)
In attendance:
Megan M., K5MEM
Robin T., WX0RT*
Andrew R., no call
Kate-Lynn W., no call
Rachel N., KD0QXA
Carey M., N5RM*
Sterling S., KF5PMG
Nicholas B., KD5VG
Kevin S., no call*
Victoria F., no call
Ericka K., no call
Rachel R., no call
Gary S., WB5ULK*
Peter L., N5UWY*
Kenny O., KC5ZDQ
Eric B., KF5KYX
Alex L., KE5OLJ*
Austin K., KF5RYC
Zachary B., KF5IID
Elizabeth A., no call
Dustin S., KF5HFW
Doug W., KG6RHG
Clint S., no call
Johnathan B., no call
Gerry C., N5SXS
Connor K., WX5CJK
* = Paid dues for 2012. Scruffles!
Robin T., WX0RT (outgoing secretary/treasurer)