Alpha Sigma Delta Radio Society – W5TC

Amateur Radio at the University of Oklahoma

October Meeting and Testing Session

Attention Sooner Hams and Ham Hopefuls:

Glad to see you all at the first meeting the other week.  A few items today.  First, if you would like to be subscribed to the OUARC-L mailing list, please let me know and you will be added.

Second, we are planning a license test session immediately following the next OUARC meeting to be held on October 23rd.  If you are interested in the session, you will need to sign up at this URL:

You do have enough time to study for this exam!  Further information on the test process, please see

Also, I wrote a list of local VHF/UHF repeaters on the board at the meeting … just as everyone was leaving.  Here’s a repeat:

146.8800 MHz, -600 kHz input, no tone, N5MS graciously allows us to use this as the “OUARC” repeater.
444.7500 MHz, +5.000 MHz input, D-STAR, W5TC repeater
147.0600 MHz, +600 kHz input, 141.3 Hz tone, W5NOR (SCARS repeater)
443.7000 MHz, +5.000 MHz input, W5NOR (SCARS repeater)

Peter Laws
O*ARC Treasurer

© Alpha Sigma Delta Radio Society – W5TC