Hi! My name is Jon Arnett (AC4CH). Check this qso and the “news” tab for monthly announcements, upcoming events, and everything noteworthy with the club!
August 2023
Welcome back !
I hope everyone is doing well and is settled in for the beginning of the fall 2023 semester. Look for us on campus in the coming weeks recruiting new members and keep checking the site for information about club events, meetings, and ways you can become involved with amateur radio at OU! Please tell your friends about the club and reach out if you’re interested in becoming involved. Even if you don’t have your license yet, we have people available to guide you through the process and answer any of your questions!
As noted in our calendar, block off time in your schedule for the annual ARRL School Club roundup from October 16-20. Information will be posted soon about contest times and how to sign up to operate representing W5TC!
The South Canadian Amateur Radio Society will hold their next monthly meeting on September 16, at 9:00 am at the newly renovated Fire Station 7 at 2207 Goddard Avenue, adjacent to Max Weisheimer Airport. Many Alpha Sigma Delta Radio Society members are also active members of SCARS- and we’d love to meet you! (Guest speaker, great conversation, coffee, and donuts also included!)
The South Canadian Amateur Radio Society Laurel VE team, now led by Ed Hatch (AG5DV), will be hosting test sessions on September 7, October 5, and November 2. Follow the link on the right sidebar to pre-register for the test session!
73s, Jon Arnett- AC4CH jonathan.g.arnett-1@ou.edu
July 2023
This month, I wanted to use this space to thank a handful of amateurs who are an instrumental part of this club and have kept it from going silent. Former president, Jarrod Manning (NI5FHT) and vice president, Jorge Garcia (W3JDG), for guiding the club through the pandemic and securing funding to assure it would remain on the air in the future. ARRL section manager, Mark Klein (N5HZR), faculty advisor Kim Elmore (N5OP), Ed Hatch (AG5DV), and Peter Laws (N5UWY) for always being available to discuss ideas over countless hours of conversation. Without their support and involvement, this club wouldn’t be here.
Now that the pandemic is over, it’s time to bring the Alpha Sigma Delta Radio Society back on the air. For that to be possible, we need your time, experience, excitement, and ideas! From freshmen who are curious about radio, to the extra class graduate student, to professors and alumni who want to incorporate radio into their classrooms and community- and all in between- you are welcome and needed!
A few log notes:
We are still in need of a treasurer, secretary, and volunteers to help assemble our tower antenna.
The site is under reconstruction and is a work in progress; please report any glitches or broken links. I am aware that the news posts are misdated, and we are working to correct that issue.
A page will be coming soon with information on becoming licensed, being elmered, and getting on the air for those that are new to amateur radio. In the meantime, click the upcoming exam button for information on the next licensing exam session. Reach out with questions!
Read the latest news post “Is this frequency in use?” for information on hamfest, local nets, and the South Canadian Amateur Radio Society.
Don’t hesitate to reach out if you’re interested in becoming involved- becoming a member, getting your license, chatting with other members, volunteering, or bouncing ideas off one another. This club doesn’t work without you and your passion for radio!
Jon Arnett- AC4CH