ARRL Field Day 2009
ARRL Field Day is this coming Saturday and Sunday, June 27-28, and once again, OUARC will team up with SCARS (W5NOR) to work this national event. Field Day is our biggest contesting event of the year and a huge PR blitz for ham radio. Our own VP, Jerrod, KD5RAK, has been helping organize this year’s Field Day activities. The location is the south pavilion at Reaves Park (same as last year). It is open to all and family-friendly!
SCARS has again requested “night owl” operators to work the late shift (~10 p.m. – 6 a.m.). However, you are welcome to stop by anytime during Field Day for as long as you like! (No operating experience necessary.)
The schedule is as follows:
Saturday, June 28:
– 8 a.m.: Set-up begins
– Noon: Lunch (pot luck)
– 1 p.m.: Operations begin (W5NOR will be class 3A)
– 6 p.m.: Dinner (pot luck, with SCARS providing some burgers & soda)
– Operations continue through the night into Sunday morning.
Sunday, June 29:
– 1 p.m.: End of operations and tear-down.
SCARS Field Day page: http://w5nor.org/ClubUpdates.html
ARRL Field Day page: http://www.arrl.org/contests/announcements/fd/
Stuff to bring: Sun block, bug spray, glow sticks, flashlights, folding chairs, food/drinks for the pot luck, and energy drinks (for the night owls).
Hope to see you this weekend!
Robin Tanamachi, WX0RT
OUARC president