Alpha Sigma Delta Radio Society – W5TC

Amateur Radio at the University of Oklahoma

Oct. 22nd Meeting Minutes

Hi All,

The following items were discussed in the meeting:

Repeater status: Waiting for word back from Smokey on how the UHF repeater is progressing. Smokey has been busy lately. Locations for future placement of the repeater were discussed but none of the currently proposed locations seem viable.
National Weather Festival: The weather festival is Saturday November 7th. SCARS is coordinating the event station, so if you wish to participate and help out contact them.
Skywarn Recognition Day: This event is Saturday December 5th. NWCARC typically coordinates this event so we will follow up with them to see about participation. Typically the OUARC works the overnight hours for this event.

Because of travel by several of the clubs officers the November meeting will be held Saturday November 21st 7 PM @ Pepe Delgados. Pepes is located on Asp Avenue in the Campus Corner region (
Additionally, there was talk of moving future meetings to another day of the week aside from Thursdays. Suggested days were Wednesday, any feedback from anyone on the list?

The topic of a club project was again raised. An APRS balloon appears to be the hot topic and something that the club can pursue. It was mentioned that we might be able to acquire external funding for the project, the club will explore available options. Another proposed project was a CW kit radio.


© Alpha Sigma Delta Radio Society – W5TC